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1. Fast Food Increases Exposure to Cancer-causing Phthalates

2. Research links chemical in artificial sweetener to DNA Damage

3. Why You May Soon Find Yourself in "Digital Prison"

4. Pfizer's Long Criminal History Reveals Following Science Can be a Terrible Idea


5. Healthy Babies Don't Just Die (SIDS)  VIDEO


6. Feds, Calif Pull Food Assistance from Poor Kids at Christian Preschool


7. CANCER ALERT Food Dyes Damage DNA


8. Consumer products silent sources of CANCER causing Chemicals


9. The WHO Wants to Control Movement of ALL Humans 6-13-2023


10. The Power of Berberine Anti-Cancer Potential


11. Flaxseed May Reduce Breast Cancer by Up to 70%


12. Alcohol Consumption - Risk of Over 60 Diseases 6-17-2023


13. Alarming Study Reveals FOREVER CHEMICALS in Tap Water 7-13-2023


14. CDC Admits to Suppressing Claims of C O V I D J A B Deaths 7-11-2023


15. Obscene FDA Advice about Sun Exposure Revealed 6-25-2023


16. Why Nutritional Yeast is NOT a Health Food and NOT Vegan (4-20-2018)


17. Chemical Manufacturer Seeks EPA ApprovalToxic Pesticide On Florida Oranges


18. New Study Links early-onset colorectal cancer to childhood antibiotic use 9-18-2023


19. Research reveals the hidden perils of alcohol in fueling cancer, stroke brain decline


20. Chemical overload What's Behind the Rise in Chemical Sensitivities in US Adults


21. Popular Artificial Sweetener Linked to Autism (10-2-2023)


22. Bad Carbs Increase Risk Of Cancer NaturalHealth365  (9-27-2023)


23. Vegetable Oils May Be Worst Foods In History NaturalHealth365  9-23-2023)


24. Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG GreenMedInfo  (8-24-2020)


25. Sleep Duration Linked To Diabetes Risk NaturalHealth365  (9-26-2023)


26. Big Pharma Caught Deceiving Cancer Patients (11-1-2023)


27. Can Too Much Fluoride Lead to Breast Cancer (10-27-2023)


28. New Study Reveals How Chemotherapy Awakens Dormant Cancer Cells (10-25-2023)


29. Shocking Report Finds Harmful Veterinary Drugs and Hormones in Popular Fast Food Items (10-26-2023)


30. Greenwashing The Lies We Tell of Recycling and the Climate (10-23-2023)


31. Echinacea Goes Beyond Immune Boosting (10-20-2023)


32. Acrylamide ALERT Hidden Cancer Risk Found inside potatoes and other foods cooked the WRONG Way (11-24-2023)


33. Discover Celery Stealthy Arsenal to Conquer Cancer Cells (8-26-2023)


34. Alarming Link between CT Scans in Youths and Cancer Risks (11-17-2023)


35. FASTING Kills Cancer Cells and Improves Immune System (11-10-2023)


36. First Global Analysis Shows How Pesticides Leach into the Environment UOS (7-14-2023)


37. This Food Additive is BANNED in the EU But Widely Used in the US to Whiten Gum Candies Breads and Ice Cream (10-24-2023)


38. US Fast Food Testing Reveals Glyphosate and Other Toxic Chemicals in ALL Samples Moms Across AMERICA (11-1-2023)


39. Expert US Groups Launch Legal Action in Attempt to Ban Glyphosate Herbicides (12-18-2023)


40. Wheat Intolerance Might Be Due to Glyphosate (12-18-2023)


41. Legal Shockwaves Lawsuit alleges Verizon cell tower caused Life-Threatening Cardiac Events (12-18-2023)


42. Grocery Store Alert Synthetic milk to contain 92 unknown molecules and fungicide (12-23-2023)


43. Plastics linked to cancer ADHD and Endocrine Disruption (12-4-2023)


44. 20 Grim Realities Revealed by Covid Lockdowns (6-5-2023)


45. Spice Based Relief for Aching Joints Beats Dangerous NSAID (12-28-2023)


46. Top Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones (12-12-2023)


47. Uproar Over Apeel Food Coating Sheds Light on Big AG Capture of Organic Food Agencies (6-21-2023)


48. Titanium Dioxide in Food Supply Increases Risk of Cancer - Dementia (1-22-2024)


49. GM Canola Oil Recipe for Disaster (1-22-2024)


50. Study Reveals Disease Burden Caused by Plastic Exposure (2-1-2024)


51. Six Ways Astaxanthin Targets Cancer Cells for Destruction (1-1-2024)


52. Government Abandons Cellphone Radiation Research DESPITE ALARMING CANCER Revelations (1-31-2024)


53. Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with these THREE Foods (1-28-2024)


54. Liver Cancer Slashed with This Drink (2-19-2024)


55. Tap Water Contaminants Cause Cancer (1-5-2024)


56. Self Spreading Vax Sparks PUBLIC Health ALARM (2-22-2024)


57. Acetaminophen and Pregnancy Here is What YOU NEED to KNOW (1-29-2024)


58. Drugs that Cause Memory Loss (3-8-2023)


59. Shot Expansion by CDC SPARKS Controversy (2-11-2024)


60. MUST WATCH Shot Dead Documentary sheds light on C O V I D shot tragedies (1-21-2024)


61. Bayer pushes for liability shield amidst Roundup-related cancer Lawsuits (3-29-2024)


62. FRUIT DANGER Why Starfruit could be unhealthy for you(3-18-2024)


63. NEW Research links 3 more pesticides to Parkinsons' Disease (3-17-2024)


64. Not SO Wonderful Company POM juice was named second largest sprayer of TOXIC Weedkiller (4-25-2024)


65. ALARMING Majority of non-organic fruits and vegetables test positive for TOXIC Pesticides (4-4-2024)


​66. Cell Phone Radiation FCC Cover-up Exposed (6-2-2024)


67. DRUGS That Cause Memory Loss (3-8-2023)


68. Vaccines from Womb to Tomb


69. 45% of Fast-Tracked Cancer Drugs FAIL (5-2-2024)


70. SUNSCREEN Drastically Reduces Vitamin D Production (5-1-2024)


71. Aluminum Toxicity Health Risks (5-17-2024)


72. Mercury Exposure Risks and Protection Tips (5-3-2024)​


73. Boost Glutathione Levels Naturally (5-25-2024)


74. Major Warning About Systemic Pesticides in Food (5-19-2024)


75. Whole Foods Market SELLS OUT to Fake Food (5-14-2024)


76. Pain Medication Increases RISK of Heart Attack (5-10-2024)


77. Toxic PFAS Detected in Band-Aids (4-16-2024)


78. Can Dental Infection Cause a Massive Heart Attack (7-22-2024)


79. Activated Charcoal May Help Chronic Kidney Disease (7-14-2024)


​80. The Twins Who Conquered AUTISM (7-6-2024)


81. Getting Angry - Is this Good or Bad for You 7-6-2024)


82. Toxic Feast When Plastic Waste Becomes Your Next Meal (6-27-2024)


83. Table Salt Danger Study Finds Heightened Risk of GASTRIC Cancer with Regular Consumption (6-25-2024)


84. Do Cows or Cars Hurt the Planet More (7-30-2024)


85. Future Generations at Risk Fluoride Exposure Linked to Devastating Consequences Even if You Eat Organic Food (7-30-2024)


86. Top 13 Enemies of Food Freedom (6-12-2024)


87. Tattoo Ink and Lymphoma Linked (6-7-2024)


88. High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to CANCER (9-18-2024)


89. Leafy Greens Offer Benefits for Eye Health (9-13-2024)


90. Processed Meats Linked to Dementia Risk (9-15-2024)


91. The Hidden Dangers of Statins How Cholesterol Drugs May Damage Heart Health (1-12-2024)


92. Cancer Risk from Pesticides Equivalent to Smoking (8-6-2024)


93. Gene Editing Causes Unintended Genetic Changes with Implications for Food and Agriculture (7-15-2024)




95. Synbio Milk The Hidden Dangers 8-29-2024)


96. Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Solutions (10-28-2024)


97. Blood Pressure Can Be Reduced Naturally (10-23-2024)


98. Benzene Found in Popular Cough Medicines (10-27-2024)


99. Cabbage Juice Remedy for Peptic Ulcers (10-12-2024)


100. Impossible Burger Worse Than You Think (10-11-2024)


101. High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Cancer (9-18-2024)


102. The FDA Enforcer for Big Pharma and the Cancer Industry (9-28-2024)


103. Caffeine May Affect Heart Health (10-31-2024)


104. Pesticide Exposure Linked to Childhood Cancer (6-6-2024)






FACTS are stubborn things; and whatever may be OUR wishes, inclinations, or dictates of our passions.


John Adams

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