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T4T is a site having WORDS of TRUTH. T4T is a work of LOVE for ALL! PEOPLE!
FREE INFORMATION Exposing Deception & LIES!
EVERYONE needs to watch this 22-minute video.
Do your own research and decide what you believe.
Note: that she states "There are many doctors that are trying to get the information out...
They are being CENSORED because the TRUTH is being HIDDEN from the citizens of the WORLD.
The TIME is NOW!!!
Here is a short video from Dr. Carrie Madej
She is one SMART COOKIE!
When you get the C O V I D 19 vaccine, will you still be "HUMAN"?
This vaccine will ALTER your DNA & and RNA.
This change is NOT REVERSIBLE !!!!!!!
Listen to this short video regarding some "TRUE SCIENCE" about this "SCARY" direction the world is going...
And the LIES we are being told!
​Click Here for the Video
C O V I D 1 9
What is the AGENDA?
This is Critical Information!!!!!
Click Here What is the AGENDA? Part 1
​Informed Consent Action Network is a site that pursues avenues to improve health and well-being by exposing some facts about the vaccine program that you might not know.
The National Vaccine Information Center is a site that is a helpful site that gives information about helping citizens maintain and protect their rights to vaccine exemptions. It has information about policymakers and what they are actively doing to take personal choices away listed by state and dates. It will help you protect your rights to "informed consent" regarding vaccine programs that are taking your "right to choice" away. Click here to check out NVIC
Top People to check out for their
great truth, content, statements, and videos...
Doctor John Bergman Click Here to watch a great lecture
Additional links from Dr. Bergman are also available!
Sayer Ji has been putting up articles for over a decade and providing amazing "sources of information" that help one see what is really true.
Click here to check out his site
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is fighting for the rights of children and exposing the TRUTH in science. He exposes the CHRONIC Health conditions of children and shows the causes that might surprise you. This site is worth your consideration!
The site is Children's Health Defense. Click here to go to the site.
How LONG do you want to LIVE?
Until 50?
Until 100?
Which will you choose?