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Are there so many people sick, irritable and angry:

Are you able to explain:


They do not get enough sleep.


They eat the wrong foods in bad combinations. They eat too much.  They eat too often and never give their stomach a rest.


They eat GMO Foods that are not healthy. There is evidence to the dangers of GMO Foods but the TRUTH has been suppressed and kept from the public.


They believe the medical doctor will help them get well with man made pharmaceutical poisons that only treat the symptom and does not consider the cause.


They watch movies, TV programs and listen to syncopated music. All activities that "turns off" the frontal lobe.


They are addicted to video games that are often violent and cause you to be desensitized. This puts you in a world of fantasy and reality is lost.


Living in a world of total fantasy and having lost touch with reality can cause many health problems.


With all the scientific and medical advances (more drugs!). Why are people getting sicker than they have been in the past?


Why do the statistics show that nearly 1 out of 2 people will get cancer?


Why do many prescriptions drugs have such a ridiculous price?


Why are vaccinations forced on the people especially the children? Realize that there is NO LIABILITY for the drug companies that make the vaccinations.


Why do the advertisements state that flu vaccinations are "always" available when the statistics show they are nearly useless?


Why is the world in a crazy, chaotic and often psychotic mess?


Why do people believe that taking a drug is going to make them healthy?

The answers, THE TRUTH will be found throughout this site.

It just might surprise you!

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